Membership for the Council for Gender Equity on the Faculty
Membership Recruitment
The committee aims to have representation from a diversity faculty across colleges. To this end, openings will be broadly advertised. Self-nominations, as well as nominations from colleges, and current committee members are welcomed.
Membership Selection
Preliminary selection of nominations will be conducted by current committee members, with final approval and appointment by the University President.
Committee Composition
The Committee shall consist of 12-14 members. Two co-chairs will be selected from the membership. The at-large seats are aimed to ensure diversity on the committee. The committee composition requires the following faculty types:
- at least two committee members are Continuing Contract Adjunct non-tenure track Faculty (CCAF) members
- at least two committee members are senior faculty, and
- at least two committee members are junior faculty.
Membership applicants must have (1) faculty status and (2) knowledge through training, education, and/or lived experience of gender equity issues on the faculty.
All members shall serve staggered three-year terms and are eligible twice for reappointment. Renewal applications will be reviewed by the committee. If interested in more than two terms, the member will need to reapply as a new applicant.
The following points describe voting standards:
- All members have voting rights.
- All issues voted on shall be decided by a simple majority of those present at the meeting in which the vote takes place.
- Electronic voting is acceptable.
Chair applicants must (1) provide a completed application, (2) have tenure or have Associate rank, and (3) have served a minimum of two years as a committee member.
Chairs shall serve a three-year term and is eligible for reappointment once.
Chair Selection
Preliminary selection of Co-Chairs will be conducted by the regular members of the committee and a list of candidates (two per position) will be forwarded to the University President for final selection and appointment.
The committee holds meetings every other week for 1.5 hours.
Special meetings of the committee may be called by a co-chair or another committee member.
Working Groups
Working groups will be created as needed.
Chairs of working groups are selected by committee members.
Minutes of meetings will be taken and posted on website.
The following points describe areas of focus:
- Focus on balanced leadership.
- Identify areas of concern regarding gender equity, campus climate, and other issues.
- Engage in research, collect data, and obtain an understanding of the issues facing women faculty.
- Advocate on behalf of women faculty on the campus.
- Make specific recommendations to the Administration.
- Review policies and procedures related to women faculty.
- Collaborate with other entities interested in women and gender equity issues.